Search Results for: jesus christians

Mother Seton (Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton)

ELIZABETH ANN BAYLEY SETON TIMELINE 1774 (August 28):  Elizabeth Ann Bayley was born in Manhattan. 1794 (January 25):  Elizabeth Bayley married William Magee Seton. 1795 (May 23):  Daughter Anna Maria was born. 1796 (November 25):  Son William was born. 1798 (July 20):  Son Richard was born. 1800 (June 28):  Daughter Catherine was born. 1802 (August 20):  Daughter Rebecca was born. 1803 (Fall):  Elizabeth and William Seton (her husband) traveled to Italy in search of respite for William’s tuberculosis. There she encountered Antonio and Filippo Filicchi, who encouraged Elizabeth to convert to Catholic Christianity. 1803 (December 27):  William M. Seton died of tuberculosis. 1804 (March):  The widowed Elizabeth Seton returned to the United States. 1806 (Spring):  Seton converted to Catholic Christianity. 1808 (June):  Seton arrived in Baltimore to teach at a…
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Institute in Basic Life Principles

INSTITUTE IN BASIC LIFE PRINCIPLES TIMELINE 1934:  Bill Gothard was born to parents Carmen and William Gothard. 1957:  Bill Gothard received his B.A. in Biblical Studies from Wheaton College. 1961:  Bill Gothard founded an inner-city Chicago-based ministry called Campus Teams. 1964:  Wheaton College invited Gothard to present a two-week seminar about his work in Chicago. Gothard named the course “Basic Youth Conflicts.” 1965:  Gothard incorporated the Basic Youth Conflicts seminar tour into his Campus Teams ministry, ultimately drawing tens of thousands of attendees per seminar. 1984:  In response to growing demand as the Christian homeschooling movement took off, Gothard launched a homeschooling curriculum and pilot program, the Advanced Training Institute of America, for around 100 families. 1989:  As the organization expanded its focus, it rebranded as the Institute in Basic…
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Synagogue Church of All Nations

SYNAGOGUE CHURCH OF ALL NATIONS (SCOAN) TIMELINE 1963 (June 12):  Abdul-Fatai Temitope Balogun (later to become T. B. Joshua) was born in Arigidi, Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria, Kolawole Balogun and Folarin Balogun. 1968 (December 17):  Evelyn Akabude was born in Delta State, Nigeria. 1971–1977:  Known simply as Francis Balogun, Joshua attended St. Stephen Anglican Primary School, Ikare-Akoko, Ondo State, Nigeria. He completed one year of secondary school and then dropped out. Worked on a poultry farm after dropping out of school. 1987:  Joshua claimed an inaugural vision after a forty-days and forty-nights of prayer and fasting on a “Prayer Mountain” and then going into a three-day trance which was to lead to the launching of his ministry. 1987:  Joshua started “The Synagogue Church of All Nations” (SCOAN) in Lagos with…
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Jeanne Marie Bouvier de la Mothe Guyon

JEANNE MARIE BOUVIER DE LA MOTHE GUYON TIMELINE 1648:  Jeanne Bouvier de la Mothe born in Montargis, France. 1659:  Jeanne Bouvier received her first Communion. 1664 (January 28):  Jeanne Bouvier was forced to sign articles of marriage without being told what they were. 1664 (February 18):  Bouvier married Monsieur Guyon, becoming Madame Guyon. 1668 (July 22):  Guyon experienced a “delicious and amorous wound” of God that made her love God “more than the most passionate lover loved his mistress.” 1672:  Two of Guyon’s children died of illnesses. 1672 (July 22):  Guyon committed herself to taking Jesus as her spouse.  In individual prayer, she vowed to unite herself to Jesus Christ in marriage. 1676:  Guyon gave birth to a daughter. Four months later her husband died. 1681:  Guyon left her home…
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Mother Basilea (Klara) Schlink

MOTHER BASILEA (KLARA) SCHLINK TIMELINE 1904 (October 21):  Klara Schlink was born in Darmstadt, Germany. 1914 (August):  Germany invaded France via Belgium and Luxemburg. 1919 (June 28):  The leaders of the Central Powers, including Germany, admitted guilt for World War I and accepted substantial financial penalties at the Treaty of Versailles. 1922:  Schlink underwent serious illness and had a definitive conversion experience. 1923:  Schlink enrolled in Evangelisches Fröbelseminar, Kassel. 1924: Schlink enrolled in the Soziale Frauenschule, Berlin. 1925:  Schlink enrolled in Bibelhaus Malche. 1926:  Schlink returned to Darmstadt as a church youth worker. 1928:  Schlink returned to Berlin, completed degree at the Sozile Frauenschule. 1929:  Schlink joined faculty of Bibelhaus Malche as the Great Depression struck Germany, causing widespread unemployment. 1930:  Schlink began doctoral work in psychology of religion at…
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The Family International (2010-Present)

THE FAMILY INTERNATIONAL TIMELINE (2010-PRESENT) 2010:  The Reboot was introduced via eighteen comprehensive documents disassembling the previous organizational model and officially removing all TFI writings from circulation pending review. 2012:  A Veteran Members Care program was created to provide resources and a one-time retirement gift for senior members for their transition from the communal support system. 2013:  Peter produced a sixteen-part video series addressing post-Reboot issues and announced that the movement would not reorganize, resulting in its reinvention as online religion. 2013:  TFI Online and various other websites were created to build online community and to preserve TFI’s writings, cultural legacy, and early history. FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY The Family International’s five-decade history has been characterized by a culture of continuous change, adaptation, and innovation. From its early days on the countercultural…
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URANTIA TIMELINE 1875 (June 24):  William S. Sadler was born in Spencer, Indiana. 1911 (Summer):  Sadler was introduced to the “sleeping subject” for the first time. 1924 (February 11):  The Contact Commission was created. It asked questions to angels accessed through the “sleeping subject,” resulting in “The Urantia Papers.” 1934-1935:  The Commission completed reception of the papers that will constitute The Urantia Book. 1942 (August):  An angelic message was sent to the Commission informing it to copyright The Urantia Book. 1950 (January 11):  The Urantia Foundation was created to preserve the text of The Urantia Book and distribute its teachings. 1955 (January 2):  The Urantia Brotherhood was created to organize believers of the teachings of The Urantia Book into local fraternal societies. 1955 (October 12):  The Urantia Book was first…
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Community of Christ

COMMUNITY OF CHRIST TIMELINE 1830 (April 6):  Joseph Smith Jr. and five associates founded the “Church of Christ” in upstate New York. 1844 ((June 27):  Joseph Smith Jr. was assassinated in Carthage, Illinois, leading to a succession crisis in what by then was called the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. 1860 (April 6):  Joseph Smith III was ordained in Amboy, Illinois as the prophet and president of the group that would eventually be named the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. 1865 (May 4):  Ordinations of men of color was formally authorized. 1873 (December):  Polynesian saints in modern-day French Polynesia affiliated with the RLDS Church. 1895 (September 17):  The first day of classes was held at Graceland College, the RLDS-affiliated liberal arts college. 1920 (May…
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Mother Teresa of Kolkata (Saint Mother Teresa)

MOTHER TERESA TIMELINE 1910 (August 26):  Gonxhe Agnes Bojaxhiu was born to Nikollë/Kolë and Drana Bojaxhiu in the Ottoman Empire (today’s Skopje, North Macedonia), and baptized the next day. 1916 (November 26):  Gonxhe Agnes Bojaxhiu was confirmed in the Christian faith at Sacred Heart Cathedral in Skopje. 1919 (August 1):  Nikollë/Kolë Bojaxhiu died at the age of forty-five under suspicious circumstances. 1922 (August 15):  Gonxhe Agnes Bojaxhiu felt the first calling to a religious vocation at the age of twelve, in front of the statue of Madonna and Child at the Black Madonna of Letnicë/a in Kosovë/a. 1922–1928:  Gonxhe Agnes Bojaxhiu discerned her religious vocation under the spiritual guidance of the Croatian Fr. Franjo Jambrenković, S.J. 1928 (October 12):  Gonxhe Agnes Bojaxhiu arrived at the Loreto Abbey of Rathfarnham, Dublin,…
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The Meeting House

THE MEETING HOUSE TIMELINE 1780:  Jacob Engle developed a confessional statement that would be foundational in what would later be called the Brethren in Christ (BIC) denomination in the U.S. 1986:  Upper Oaks Community Church began as a BIC church plant in Oakville, Ontario, led by pastor Craig Sider. 1991:  Bruxy Cavey took a position as pastor at Heritage Baptist Church in Ancaster, Ontario. 1995:  Cavey’s divorce followed by his resignation from HBC. 1996:  Bruxy Cavey became the new pastor at Upper Oaks Community Church, Oakville, Ontario. 2000:  Upper Oaks changed its name to The Meeting House. 2001:  The first regional campus began in Ancaster, Ontario at the Silver City Theatre; total attendance Sundays tops 1000. 2007:  The large warehouse on Bristol Circle in Oakville was purchased and renovated as…
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