Search Results for: jesus christians

Jesus Christians

JESUS CHRISTIANS TIMELINE 1944:  Dave McKay was born in Rochester, New York. 1981:  The McKay family began distributing their tracts on the street. 1985:  Six of the youngest Jesus Christians members successfully walked 1000km across the Nullarbor Desert. 1998:  Many members left over differences regarding the direction of the community 1998:  The community that formed around Dave and Cherry McKay adopted the name “Jesus Christians.” 1999:  A controversial incident involving the Jesus Christians appeared in a local newspaper in Surrey, U.K. 2002:  The first two Jesus Christian members altruistically donated their kidneys to a stranger. 2003:  The Guardian journalist, Jon Ronson, produced a documentary on the Jesus Christian’s kidney donations called Kidneys for Jesus. 2006:  The Jesus Christians performed a mock trial after a Jesus Christian member allegedly was attacked…
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Concerned Christians

CONCERNED CHRISTIANS TIMELINE 1954 (April 20):  Monte Kim Miller was born in Burlington, Colorado. 1974:  Miller married his first wife, Dana. 1983:  Miller and Dana divorced. 1983-1984:  Miller reported converting to Christianity. 1980’s (mid-decade):  The group Concerned Christians was formed by Miller. 1996:  Miller began a radio show called “Our Foundation.” 1996 (June):  Miller proclaimed himself to be one of the two end time witnesses of Revelation 11, and a prophet of God. 1998 (September):  Miller, and perhaps as many as seventy-two disciples, sold or left behind their possessions and families, and headed to Jerusalem, Israel. 1998 (October 10):  Miller prophesied an earthquake would destroy Denver, CO, setting in motion the impending apocalypse. The date passed without incident. 1999 (January 3):  Israeli police detained fourteen Concerned Christian members, alleging that…
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Saint Teresa of Ávila, Saint Teresa de Jesús (Teresa Sánchez Cepeda y Ahumada)

SAINT TERESA OF ÁVILA TIMELINE 1515 (March 28):  Teresa Sánchez Cepeda y Ahumada was born to Alonso de Cepeda and his second wife, Beatriz de Ahumada. 1528 or 1529:  Teresa’s mother died. 1531:  Teresa’s father placed her as a boarder in the Augustinian convent, Our Lady of Grace. 1535:  Teresa entered the Carmelite convent of the Incarnation in Ávila. 1536 (November 2):  Teresa became a novice at Incarnation convent. 1537 (November 3):  Teresa professed (took her final vows) at Incarnation. She left the convent due to a serious illness, during which time she fell into a coma for four days. On her way to Castellanos de la Cañada for treatment, she read Francisco de Osuna’s Third Spiritual Alphabet, her introduction to mental prayer. 1543:  Teresa’s father died. 1553:  Teresa experienced…
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Jesus People USA

JESUS PEOPLE USA TIMELINE 1965-1966:  The counterculture in several American cities, specifically in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco. 1968:  The Democratic National Convention met in Chicago. 1969:  Linda Meissner created the Jesus People Army in the Seattle area. 1969:  The Days of Rage, riots launched by the New Left’s “Weatherman.” 1970:  Author Hal Lindsey published his apocalyptic novel The Late Great Planet Earth. 1970:  A distinct Jesus People “scene” took root in Southern California with well over 100 hundred churches, coffeehouses, centers, and communal homes identifying with the movement 1970:  Significant Jesus People centers emerged in Atlanta, Kansas City, Wichita, Buffalo, Norfolk, Akron, Fort Wayne, Cincinnati, Milwaukee, suburban Chicago, suburban New York City, and other scattered cities across the country 1971:  With media coverage and backing by evangelical figures,…
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Jesus People Movement Timeline

JESUS PEOPLE TIMLINE The timeline below provides greater detail on the history and development of the Jesus People Movement. JESUS PEOPLE TIMELINE 1965-1966:  The counterculture emerged within bohemian districts in several American cities, particularly in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco. 1967:  The Evangelical Concerns non-profit was established in the Bay Area to promote work among hippies; opening of Living Room mission center in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury and “House of Acts” commune in Novato, California, the first recognized appearance of "hippie Christians." 1968:  Evangelical outreaches to the countercultural and drug culture youth emerged in Southern California. These included David Berg's “Teens for Christ” (Huntington Beach), Arthur Blessitt's Sunset Strip mission His Place (Los Angeles), Don Williams' Salt Company coffeehouse (Los Angeles). 1968:  Chuck Smith, pastor of the Calvary Chapel, a…
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Jesus People Movement

JESUS PEOPLE MOVEMENT TIMELINE (See a more detailed timeline here) 1965-1966:  The counterculture emerged within bohemian districts in several American cities, particularly in the Haight-Ashbury neighborhood of San Francisco. 1967:  The Evangelical Concerns non-profit was established in the Bay Area to promote work among hippies; opening of Living Room mission center in San Francisco's Haight-Ashbury and “House of Acts” commune in Novato, California, the first recognized appearance of "hippie Christians." 1968:  Evangelical outreaches to the countercultural and drug culture youth emerged in Southern California. These included David Berg's “Teens for Christ” (Huntington Beach), Arthur Blessitt's Sunset Strip mission His Place (Los Angeles), Don Williams' Salt Company coffeehouse (Los Angeles). 1968:  Chuck Smith, pastor of the Calvary Chapel, a middling-sized church in Costa Mesa, CA connected with the Living Room's Lonnie…
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Jesus Fellowship Church

JESUS FELLOWSHIP CHURCH TIMELINE 1926 (December 25):  Noel Stanton was born in Bedfordshire, England. 1957:  Stanton became pastor of a small Baptist church in Bugbrooke, Northamptonshire, which later became the Jesus Fellowship Church. 1968 (Summer):  Stanton experienced a spiritual breakthrough moment while holding a Saturday evening prayer service. 1974:  The first community house was established. 1979:  Creation Community Fellowship was founded and became an important component o the movement. 1982:  The Jesus Fellowship Church became a member of the Evangelical Alliance. Four years later the church was asked to resign membership. 1987:  Jesus Fellowship Church launched The Jesus Army as the evangelizing wing of the church. 1987:  The Jesus Army began an annual  public London Jesus Day event. 1992:  The Jesus Fellowship founded the Multiply Christian Network to establish links…
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Jesus People USA

Jesus People USA Founder: John Herrin Sr. Date of Birth: unknown Birth Place: unknown Year Founded: 1971 ( Sacred or Revered Texts: The Bible; particularly the example set forth in the Book of Acts (2:44-47, 4:32-35). Size of Group: 500 (see History By the late-1960's, the youth counter-culture had reached its peak. Drug use flourished, “hippies" were the center of the media's attention, and most striking of all, significant numbers of these youth were becoming Christians. Onlookers knew these young people by various names: "Jesus Freaks," "Jesus People," and "Street Christians." A large proportion of these youthful evangelists for Jesus were only a short while removed from drugs, "free love," and alienation from "straight society." They spoke of a "Jesus Revolution" and believed that the endtimes were near (Enroth:12).…
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Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS (LDS) TIMELINE 1805 (December 23)  Joseph Smith, Jr. was is born in Sharon, Vermont. 1816  The Smith family moved from Vermont to western New York near Rochester. 1820  Joseph Smith, Jr. experienced his "First Vision." 1823  Smith reported experiencing the first of four annual visions of the Angel Moroni and learned of the record compiled by the ancient prophet Mormon. 1827  Smith reported retrieving the ancient record on gold plates from the Hill Cumorah. 1830 (March)  The Book of Mormon , translated from the plates, was published. 1830 (April 6)  The Church of Christ, later renamed the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was formally organized in Manchester, New York. 1830 (October)  Mormon missionaries en route to Indian territory stopped in Ohio…
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Concerned Christians

CONCERNED CHRISTIANS TIMELINE Founder : Monte Kim Miller.1 Date of Birth : April 20, 1954 2 . Birth Place : Burlington, Colorado 3 . Year Founded : 1985 4 . Sacred or Revered Texts : Bimonthly newsletter, Report from Concerned Christians . Our Foundation radio program. The Old Testament is also used, but their beliefs primarily deal with the New Testament. Size of Group : There were 78 members of the group in September 30, 1998. How many perceive themselves to still be members of the group is unknown. 10 FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY Monte Kim Miller was born on April 20, 1954 and raised in the small farming community of Burlington, Colorado. Miller's family did not attend church, but he claims to have converted to Christianity after listening to Bill Bright,…
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