Search Results for: jesus christians

Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster

 CHURCH OF THE FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTER TIMELINE 1980 (July 18):  Bobby Henderson was born in Roseburg, Oregon. 2000's (Early):  Henderson graduated from Oregon State University with a B.S. in Physics. 2005:  The Kansas State Board of Education allowed Intelligent Design to be taught in high school science classes. 2005:  Henderson published an open letter to the Kansas State Board of Education and then later published it on his website. 2006:  Henderson published The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. 2007:  The American Academy of Religion hosted a paper session on Pastafarianism at its annual conference. 2010:  The Loose Cannon was completed and published online . 2011:  Austrian Pastafarian Niko Alm was granted permission to wear a colander on his head in his driver's license photo. 2014:  Australian Pastafarian Dan Guenther applied…
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City Harvest Church

CITY HARVEST CHURCH (CHC) TIMELINE 1989:  With the help of twenty youths, Kong Hee founded a new congregation on May 7 at Peace Center, Singapore. 1992:  City Harvest Church (CHC) was set up as a society. 1994:  CHC's training school, the School of Theology (formerly known as City Harvest Bible Training Center), was started. 1995:  CHC started holding its services at the former Hollywood Theatre and continued there for another six years. 1996:  Kong Hee and his wife, Sun Ho (Ho is the last name), began Church Without Walls, a community service project. 1996:  Ho founded a social work agency, City Harvest Community Services Association. 2001:  The church built a church complex at Jurong West Street 91 and moved into its first permanent location. 2001:  The church claimed to have…
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Eckhart Tolle

ECKHART TOLLE TIMELINE 1948:  Eckhart Tolle was born Ulrich Leonard Tolle in Lunen, Germany. 1977:  Tolle was admitted to postgraduate studies at Cambridge University in London, having completed a degree in languages and history at University of London. 1979:  Tolle experienced an “inner transformation,” and after a period of drifting, settled in Vancouver, Canada and began to write his first book, The Power of Now. 1997:  The Power of Now was first published. 2000:  Television personality Oprah Winfrey recommended the book, propelling it to the New York Times Bestseller Book for Hardcover Advice. 2005:  Tolle published A New Earth, which also became a bestseller. 2008:  Oprah selected the book for her book club and subsequently partnered with Tolle in a series of internet seminars featuring discussions and meditation. 2009:  Tolle’s…
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AHMADIYYA TIMELINE Circa 1835:  Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was born in Qadian, India. 1889:  The Ahmadiyya Muslim community (Jama‘at-i Ahmadiyya) was founded. 1908:  Mirza Ghulam Ahmad died in Lahore and was brought back to Qadian to be buried. 1914:  A group of Ahmadi dissenters left Qadian for Lahore and subsequently came to be known as Lahoris, following the Lahori-Qadiani split. 1947:  India was partitioned into the independent countries of India and Pakistan, which was later subdivided into Pakistan and Bangladesh. 1953:  The Punjab Disturbances occurred in which widespread rioting in the Punjab region took place as a result of tensions stemming from the Ahmad controversy, which led to the implementation of martial law. 1974:  Pakistan amended its constitution to change the classification of Ahmadis from being Muslim to being part of…
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Assemblies of God (The General Council of AOG)

ASSEMBLIES OF GOD (AOG) TIMELINE 1885-1900 Healing and Holiness revivals swept through the U.S., laying a foundation for the emergence of Pentecostalism. 1901 Agnes Ozman spoke in tongues in a prayer meeting led by Charles Fox Parham (1873-1929) in Topeka, Kansas. 1906-1909 The Azusa Street Revival in Los Angeles was launched by William Joseph Seymour (1870-1922), African American son of former slaves. The revival is commonly regarded as the birthplace of the Pentecostal movement. 1913 Eudorus N. Bell, Howard Goss, Daniel C.O. Opperman, Archibald P. Collins, and Mack M. Pinson initiated a call to a general council. 1914 The First General Council of the Assemblies of God was held in Hot Spring, Arkansas. 1916 The Fourth General Council of the Assemblies of God that was held in St. Louis adopted…
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Aetherius Society

AETHERIUS SOCIETY TIMELINE 1919 (January 23) George King was born in Shropshire, England.. 1954 The Aetherius Society was founded by King. 1959 BBC broadcast King, allowing a huge audience to witness his yogic skills. 1959 King expanded the Society to the U.S. where he established a center in Hollywood, CA. 1959 Operation Space Power began. After 1960 The Society continued to expand and open other branches. 1963 The center in Hollywood was incorporated as a non-profit religious, scientific, and educational organization. 1966 Operation Sunbeam began. 1973 Operation Prayer Power began. 1997 (July 12) King passed away. FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY The Aetherius Society describes itself as “a worldwide spiritual organization comprised of people dedicated to help uplift humanitythrough spiritual action” (Aetherius Society. 2006m; cf. Saliba 2000a, 2000b, 2001). Its goal is to…
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Holy Order of Mans

]]>]]>]]>]]>HomeAbout UsPartnershipsProfilesResources WRSP AuthorsDonateContactHOLY ORDER OF MANS HOLY ORDER OF MANS (HOOM) TIMELINE 1904 (April 18) Earl Wilbur Blighton was born in Rochester, New York. 1968 The Holy Order of MANS was founded in San Francisco, California. 1974 (April 11) Blighton died in Pacifica, California. 1978 Vincent Rossi and Patricia Rossi assumed the positions of permanent Co-directors General. 1984 The Holy Order of MANS begins moving toward Eastern Orthodoxy. 1988 The Holy Order of MANS was received into the autocephalous Archdiocese of Queens, New York and became Christ the Savior Brotherhood (CSB). FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY Earl Wilbur Blighton was born in Rochester, New York on April 18, 1904. He was exposed to both Free Methodism and Roman Catholicism during his younger years in Rochester and also participated in Spiritualist, Masonic, and…
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Azusa Street Mission

AZUSA STREET TIMELINE 1870 (May 2) William Joseph Seymour was born in Centerville, LA. 1905 Seymour became a student of Charles Parham in Parham’s new Bible school in Houston, TX. 1906 (April) Seymour accepted, with Parham’s blessing, an invitation to speak in a small Holiness Church in Los Angeles, CA. 1906 (September) Seymour, with the help of two members of the congregation, began the newspaper Apostolic Faith. 1908 (May 3) Seymour married Jennie Evans Moore, an early convert. 1908 Many white members of the congregation left the mission, some to found similar revivals and congregations in other cities. 1909-1913 The revival gradually declined. Seymour remained as pastor of the Apostolic Faith Mission. 1922 (September 28) Seymour died of a heart attack. 1922-1931 Jennie Moore Seymour continued the mission as pastor…
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