Search Results for: jesus christians

Female Martyrs in Early Christianity

FEMALE MARTYRS IN EARLY CHRISTIANITY TIMELINE The era of Christian persecution and martyrdom is difficult to date exactly. Christian tradition generally ascribes the title of first Christian martyr to the disciple, Stephen, whose death in approximately 36 C.E. is recorded in the New Testament book of Acts . The earliest actual martyrology, however, describes the death of St. Ignatius of Rome sometime between 98 and 117 C.E. The period of sporadic persecution is usually considered to have ended with the rise of the Emperor Constantine and the subsequent acceptance of Christianity as a valid religion in the early to mid-fourth century. Yet, this date does not take into account the Donatist martyrs of North Africa who died at the hands of other Christians in the late fourth century. While the…
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General Church of the New Jerusalem

THE GENERAL CHURCH OF THE NEW JERUSALEM GENERAL CHURCH OF THE NEW JERUSALEM TIMELINE  1688 (January 29):  Emanuel Swedenborg was born Emanuel Swedberg. 1709:  Swedenborg graduated from Uppsala University. 1710-1715:  Swedenborg traveled to England and Europe before returning to Sweden in 1715. 1716:  The first issue of Daedalus Hyperborus, a scientific magazine, was published. 1716:  Swedenborg was appointed to the Royal College of Mines. 1719:  The children of Bishop Jesper Swedberg were ennobled and took the name Swedenborg. 1721:  Swedenborg's first book, Chemistry, was published. 1744-1745:  Swedenborg experienced extraordinary dreams. He recorded and analyzed them in what has come to be known as The Journal of Dreams. 1745:  Swedenborg claimed that he received a “Divine call.” 1745-1747:  Swedenborg studied the Bible and wrote a six volume interpretation of the Bible…
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 HILLSONG TIMELINE 1954:  Brian Houston was born in Auckland, New Zealand. 1974:  Houston graduated from Bible College in Auckland. 1977:  Houston's father, Frank, founded the Christian Life Centre in Sydney, Australia. Brian married Bobbie Houston in New Zealand. 1978:  Brian and Bobbie Houston moved to Sydney. 1983:  Brian and Bobbie Houston planted a separate church, the Hills Christian Life Centre, from Frank Houston's original church. 1986:  The first Christian Life Centre Conference was held. 1992:  Christian Life Centre's first international plants were established in London and Kiev. 1997:  The First Colour (women's) Conference was held. Brian became the new National President of the Assemblies of God (AOG) in Australia. 1999:  Frank Houston was removed from the church and stripped of ministerial credentials after confessing to sexually abusing an underage boy…
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Holy Order of Mans

HOLY ORDER OF MANS (HOOM) TIMELINE 1904 (April 18):  Earl Wilbur Blighton was born in Rochester, New York. 1968:  The Holy Order of MANS was founded in San Francisco, California. 1974 (April 11):  Blighton died in Pacifica, California. 1978:   Vincent Rossi and Patricia Rossi assumed the positions of permanent Co-directors General. 1984:  The Holy Order of MANS begins moving toward Eastern Orthodoxy. 1988:  The Holy Order of MANS was received into the autocephalous Archdiocese of Queens, New York and became Christ the Savior Brotherhood (CSB). FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY Earl Wilbur Blighton was born in Rochester, New York on April 18, 1904. He was exposed to both Free Methodism and Roman Catholicism during his younger years in Rochester and also participated in Spiritualist, Masonic, and New Thought groups. Perhaps as a result…
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House for All Sinners and Saints

HOUSE FOR ALL SINNERS AND SAINTS TIMELINE 1969:  Nadia Bolz was born. 1986:  Bolz got the first of her many tattoos. 1996:  Nadia Bolz married Matthew Weber, a Lutheran seminary student. 2004:  Bolz-Weber lead the funeral of a friend who had recently committed suicide at her local comedy club. This is the moment in which she felt called to do work in the church and lead people similar to herself to God. 2005:  Bolz-Weber graduated from the University of Colorado, Boulder and enrolled in a seminary. 2007:  Bolz-Weber began having meetings in the living room of her home that led to the formation of the House for All Sinners and Saints. 2008:  The House for All Sinners and Saints was founded. 2008:  Nadia Bolz-Weber was ordained as an Evangelical Lutheran…
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International Churches of Christ (ICOC)

INTERNATIONAL CHURCHES OF CHRIST TIMELINE 1954 (May 31):  Thomas (Kip) McKean was born in Indianapolis, Indiana. 1976:  McKean married Elena Garcia-Bengochea. 1979:  Kip McKean became minister of the Lexington Church of Christ in Lexington, Massachusetts, which later became the Boston Church of Christ (Boston Movement). 1988:  Crossroads Church of Christ severed ties with the Boston Movement.  1992 :  Kip McKean wrote “Revolution through Restoration Part I: From Jerusalem to Rome: From Boston to Moscow.” The Boston Movement was renamed the International Churches of Christ (ICOC) 1993:  ICOC established Discipleship Publications International 1994 (February 4):  World Sector Leaders of the ICOC gathered for the signing of the Evangelization Proclamation , written by Kip McKean. 1994:  McKean wrote “Revolution through Restoration Part II: The 20 th Century Church.” ICOC established the Kingdom…
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Islamic State

ISLAMIC STATE TIMELINE 1999:  Abu Musab al-Zarqawi first met Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan and went on to set up a competing jihadi training camp. 2001:  Zarqawi’s jihadi group, Jama‘at al-Tawhid wa’l-Jihad (JTL), began operations in Jordan. 2003 (March):  The U.S. invasion of Iraq took place; Zarqawi returned to Iraq with JTL to confront the U.S. 2004 (September):  Zarqawi declared loyalty to Osama bin Laden and renamed his group al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI). 2006 (June):  A U.S. air strike killed Zarqawi; Abu Ayyub al-Masri emerged as the new leader of AQI. 2006 (October):  al-Masri renamed AQI as the Islamic State in Iraq (ISI) and identified Abu Omar al-Baghdadi as the leader. 2010 (April):  Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi emerged as leader of ISI after al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi were killed in…
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Calvary Chapel

CALVARY CHAPEL TIMELINE 1927 (June 25) Charles ("Chuck") Ward Smith was born in Ventura, California. 1946 Smith graduated from L.I.F.E. Bible College in Los Angeles, California. 1947-1964 Smith served in a ministerial role in the Foursquare Gospel Church. 1965 Calvary Chapel began as a small Bible study for shut-ins at a trailer park in Costa Mesa, California with Smith as pastor. 1968 Lonnie and Connie Frisbee were invited by Smith to join the staff at Calvary Chapel, and Lonnie began evangelizing individuals in the counterculture. 1968 Calvary Chapel opened House of Miracles, a halfway house for those transitioning from the counterculture to Christianity. 1971 Frisbee and Smith parted ways due to theological differences, particularly over the practice of prophecy and glossolalia. 1971 Smith founded Marantha! Music, a Christian music record…
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Christian Science

CHRISTIAN SCIENCE TIMELINE 1821:  Christian Science founder, Mary Morse Baker, was born in Bow, New Hampshire. 1843:  Mary Morse Baker married George Washington Glover who died six months later. 1853:  Mary Baker married dentist Daniel Patterson. 1856:  Mary Baker Glover Patterson suffered debilitating illness for the next several years and tried a variety of popular alternative remedies. 1862:  Mary Baker Glover Patterson visited healer Phineas Parkhurst Quimby and was temporarily healed. 1866:  Mary Patterson fell on the ice and was seriously injured; three days later she was healed. 1870:  Mary Patterson maintained a healing practice and began teaching classes on spiritual healing. 1873:  Mary Patterson divorced her husband on grounds of desertion. 1875:  Mary Patterson p ublished the first edition of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures ,…
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Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning)

CHURCH OF ALMIGHTY GOD / EASTERN LIGHTNING TIMELINE Early 1991:  A precursor organization, “Church of the Lord of New Abilities” (新能力主教会 xin nengli zhu jiaohui), proselytized in Henan province in the People's Republic of China. The Almighty God began to speak through the woman who later came to be worshipped as the Female Christ. 1995: The Church of Almighty God (hereafter CAG) was formally identified as a cult” (邪教 xiejiao) by China's Ministry of Public Security, thus making its activities illegal. 1997:  CAG's scripture, The Word Appears in the Flesh (话在肉身显现 Hua zai roushen xianxian) was completed. 1999:  The CAG was reported to be proclaiming the end of the world in 2000, and was targeted alongside Falun Gong. ?2000:  Founder Zhao Weishan was granted political asylum in U.S. 2002:  Members…
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