Search Results for: jesus christians

Lady of All Nations

THE LADY OF ALL NATIONS TIMELINE 1945 (March 25):  Thirty nine year old Ida Peerdeman experienced an apparition of a woman in her home in Amsterdam, and identified her as the Virgin Mary. This was to be the first vision in a series in three phases continuing up until 1959. 1950 (November 1):  Pope Pius XII solemnly declared the dogma of the Assumption of Mary. 1950 (November 16):  Ida understood that she was to call Mary the "Lady of All Nations." This was the beginning of the second phase of apparitions. 1951 (February 11):  A new prayer was revealed to Ida by the Lady. 1951 (4 March):  Ida saw a new image of the Lady, which she was to have distributed. 1951 (May 31) :  Ida received the new dogma:…
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La Luz Del Mundo

LA LUZ DEL MUNDO TIMELINE 1896 (August 14):  Eusebio Joaquín González was born in Jalisco, México. 1926:  Eusebio Joaquín González founded the church in Guadalajara, Jalisco, according to the official history. 1937 (February 14):  Samuel Joaquín Flores was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco. 1942:  Eusebio Joaquin González was baptized with the name of Aaron. 1964:  Aaron died, and his son Samuel Joaquin Flores became the new Apostle of the church. 1969 (May 7):  Naasón Joaquín García, fifth son of Samuel Joaquin Flores, was born in Guadalajara, Jalisco. 2014 (December 8):  Samuel Joaquin Flores died in Guadalajara, Jalisco. 2014 (December 14):  Naasón Joaquín García became the Third Apostle of the church. 2018 (Summer):  Naasón Joaquín García was arrested in Los Angeles and charged with thirty-six sex abuse offenses. 2022 (Early June):  Naasón…
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Mars Hill Bible Church (Rob Bell)

MARS HILL (ROB BELL) TIMELINE 1970 Rob Bell born in Ingham County, Michigan. 1992 Bell graduated from Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois. 1995 Bell graduated from Fuller Theological and Seminary and began a ministry at Calvary Church in Grand Rapids, Michigan, working under Pastor Ed Dobson 1999 Bell founded Mars Hill Bible Church in Wyoming, Michigan; within a year the church bought a shopping mall in Grandville, Michigan for one dollar. The church seated 3,500 people. 2001 Ten thousand people were attending the three Mars Hill Bible Church services. 2001 Bell created the NOOMA video series and created a non-profit film company called Flannel . 2005 Bell published his first book, Velvet Elvis: Repainting the Christian Faith, published by Zondervan. 2006 Bell launched his Everything is Spiritual speaking tour, which was…
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Mars Hill (Seattle)

MARS HILL CHURCH TIMELINE 1970:  Mark Driscoll was born in Grand Forks, North Dakota. 1992:  Driscoll graduated from Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. 1996:  Mars Hill Church was founded by Mark Driscoll, Lief Moi, and Mike Gunn. 1998:  Driscoll and David Nicholas founded the Acts 29 Church Planting Network. 2003:  Mars Hill Church purchased the Ballard campus. 2006:  Mars Hill became a multi-site church, when they launched three new Puget Sound campuses. 2006:  Driscoll founded The Resurgence. 2007:  Mars Hill Church reorganized the leadership structure. 2009:  Mars Hill's first out-of-state campus opened in Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2012:  Mark and Grace Driscoll's Real Marriage spent one week as a New York Times best-seller. 2012:  Driscoll resigned as President of Acts 29 and from the Council of the Gospel Coalition. 2013:  Charges…
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Metropolitan Community Church

METROPOLITAN COMMUNITY CHURCHES TIMELINE 1940:  Troy Deroy Perry was born in Tallahassee, Florida. 1968:  The Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Church (MCC) was founded. 1969:  The Stonewall Inn Raid and Protest occurred. 1970:  The MCC denomination was established. 2003:  Troy Perry married Phillip Ray De Blieck under Canadian law at Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto. 2005:  Reverend Elder Nancy Wilson succeeded Troy Perry as MCC Moderator. FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY The founder of the Metropolitan Community Church (MCC), Troy Perry, was born in 1940 in Tallahassee, Florida. He was the eldest of five siblings. Perry’s father died in a confrontation with the police when he was just eleven years old. His mother later remarried, but Perry reports being abused by his stepfather and leaving the family until his mother had divorced his…
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Necedah Shrine

NECEDAH SHRINE (QUEEN OF THE HOLY ROSARY, MEDIATRIX OF PEACE SHRINE)  NECEDAH SHRINE TIMELINE 1909 (July 31):  Mary Ann Van Hoof (née Anna Maria Bieber) was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 1934:  Mary Ann married Godfred “Fred” Van Hoof. They had seven children. 1949 (November 12):  Van Hoof had a vision of a tall female figure entering her bedroom and standing by her bed. 1950 (February 9):  Wisconsin senator Joseph McCarthy announced that communists had infiltrated the State Department. 1950 (April 7):  On Good Friday, Van Hoof saw a crucifix in her room begin to glow. She heard the voice of Mary, who commissioned her to go the parish priest with a request that everyone be directed to recite the rosary each evening at eight o'clock. Mary announced that she would…
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New Apostolic Reformation

NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION TIMELINE 1906-1909:  The Azusa Street Revival, commonly regarded as a birthplace of the global Pentecostal Movement, takes place in Los Angeles, California. 1947:  The New Order of the Latter Rain (Latter Rain) caused controversy within North American Pentecostalism, including its call to restore the offices of prophets and apostles in the church. 1960:  The birth of neo-Pentecostalism, commonly called the Charismatic Movement or the “second wave” of the North American Pentecostal movement ushered Pentecostal beliefs and practices into mainline Christian denominations and launched scores of new independent Pentecostal ministries and churches. 1980s:  The Kansas City Prophets introduced the offices of prophets and apostles to neo-Pentecostalism at the onset of a “third wave” of Pentecostal revivals in North America. 1992:  A Pentecostal revival known as the Toronto Blessing…
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New Latter Rain Movement

NEW ORDER OF THE LATTER RAIN NEW ORDER OF THE LATTER RAIN TIMELINE 1947 (Spring):  George Hawtin, a Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada pastor, founder of the college, and its principal, resigned under pressure from Bethel Bible College Saskatoon. Faculty member Percy G. Hunt resigned in sympathy. 1947 (October 21):  Hawtin and Hunt joined Herrick Holt, in a new work, Sharon Orphanage and Schools. 1947 (Late Fall):  Hawtin and Hunt, with several others, attended a Vancouver, British Columbia, revival led by healing evangelist William Branham. 1947-1948 (Winter):  Hawtin and others promoted a regime of long fasts and prayer meetings modeled on Branham's revivals and the book, Atomic Power with God through Fasting and Prayer, by Franklin Hall. 1948 (February 11):  A young woman student reported a prophecy of a door opening…
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Emerging Church

EMERGING CHURCH TIMELINE 1984: The Leadership Network was founded by Bob Buford. Mid-1990s: Young Leader Networks was launched by The Leadership Network. Late 1990s: Emergent Village was established. 2002: The first Emerging Church conference was held. FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY The roots of the Emerging Church in the U.S. can be traced back to the success of evangelical megachurches (churches with regular attendance of approximately 2000 people) over the last two decades of the twentieth century. Although records of megachurches date back to the early 1900's, it was their exponential growth from the mid-1980's to the mid-1990's that catapulted these types of religious organizations into national discussions of religion (Thumma and Travis 2007). From this success, the Emerging Church developed via two different avenues. The first avenue reflects organizational strategies implemented by…
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The Unification Church

The Unification Church Name: The Unification Church; official name: Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity. The group has also been known as "The Moonies." While Unification Church members initially embraced the name "Moonie," in recent years they have come to view this term as pejorative. Founder: Reverend Sun Myung Moon (meaning "someone who has clarified the Truth, or Shining Sun and Moon), who changed his name from Young Myung Moon. Date of Birth: January 6, 1920 Birth Place: Kwangju Sangsa Ri, North Korea Year Founded: 1954 in Pusan, South Korea Sacred or Revered Texts: The Divine Principle is the sacred text for the Unification Church. However, this book is not seen to contain the entirety of truth. Thus, Reverend Moon's speeches are also considered authoritative. To a…
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