Search Results for: jesus christians

All Pacific Arise

ALL PACIFIC ARISE TIMELINE 1946 (September 6):  Michael Maeliau was born in the village of Dodaia in the To’abaita speaking region, with descent from the local Baleafoa lineage and the Gwalu’masu lineage of the Baelalea speaking group. 1958:  In order to attend school, at the age of twelve he moved to his grandmother in the nearby village of Suidara, close to Malu’u School in the To’abaita speaking region. 1963:  Maeliau attended the King George VI Secondary School in Honiara. He was expelled from the school in 1965 for organizing a strike to expel one of the teachers. 1966:  Maeliau joined the Royal Solomon Islands Police Force but resigned after a year because he wanted to join the ministry of his church. 1974:  Maeliau graduated with a college diploma from the…
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Saint Angela of Foligno

SAINT ANGELA OF FOLIGNO TIMELINE 1248/1249:  Angela of Foligno was born at Foligno in Umbria, a few miles from Assisi, of a possibly noble and wealthy family. 1270 (?):  Angela got married. From this marriage, she might have had several sons. 1285:  At age thirty seven, Angela of Foligno received a vision of St. Francis of Assisi and converted to Christianity. 1288 (?):  All of Angela’s family members had died. 1291 (June 28):  Angela took the habit of the Third Order of Saint Francis and became a tertiary. 1291 (early autumn):  Angela met Friar Arnaldo on a pilgrimage to Assisi. 1292 (March 26):  Friar Arnaldo, Angela’s scribe, suspected that Angela was captured by evil spirits; she began dictating her book, the Memorial, to him. 1296:  Angela finished the Memorial. 1296…
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Women’s Roles in The Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science)

TIMELINE FOR WOMEN’S ROLES IN THE CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1821 (July 16):  Mary Morse Baker was born to Mark and Abigail Baker in Bow, New Hampshire. 1843:  Mary Baker married George Washington Glover, who died in 1844. They had one son in 1844 named George W. Glover. 1853:  She married Daniel Patterson. 1866 (February 4):  Mary Patterson slipped on ice in Lynn, Massachusetts on February 1, and was seriously injured. Three days later, while reading about Jesus’ healing ministry in the Gospels, she was healed. She later cited this as the date she discovered Christian Science, as the result of her healing through prayer of injuries from a serious accident. 1866 (March):  Her husband Daniel Patterson deserted her. They divorced in 1873. 1867:  Mary Patterson began teaching about her…
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The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity

ALLIANCE FOR THERAPEUTIC CHOICE AND SCIENTIFIC INTEGRITY TIMELINE  1992 (March):  The National Association for Psychoanalytic Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) was founded. 1992 (December 18): The organizing committee of NARTH, with twenty-three members, met at the Waldorf-Astoria in New York City. 1992:   The World Health Organization removed homosexuality from the International Classification of Diseases. 1993 (May 20):  NARTH held its first annual conference in San Francisco. 1997:  NARTH submitted an amicus brief to the Hawaii Supreme Court to oppose legalizing same-sex marriage. 2000 (May 17):  NARTH and several ex-gay ministries published a full-page newspaper ad in USA Today and held a press conference in Chicago to protest the American Psychiatric Association’s cancellation of a debate on therapy aimed at changing sexual orientation. 2001:  Evangelical Christian psychologist James Dobson of…
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Patriot Churches

PATRIOT CHURCHES TIMELINE  2018:  “The Church at Planned Parenthood” began holding monthly worship services outside Planned Parenthood in Spokane, Washington. 2020:  Ken Peters and his wife, Valencia, founded the first Patriot Church (Campus) in Knoxville (Lenoir City), Tennessee. It was followed by churches (campuses) in Spokane, Washington (Peters’s previous church), and Lynchburg, Virginia, joining the movement. 2021:  Moses Lake Covenant Church in Washington became a Patriot Church. 2022:  Campuses in Houston (Magnolia, Texas) and Orlando, Florida, opened and held their first worship services. FOUNDER/GROUP HISTORY Ken Peters is a fifth-generation preacher who started Covenant Church in 1998 at a Super 8 Motel in Spokane, Washington, along with his wife, Valencia. [Image at right] He spent twenty-one years serving as the church’s pastor. He also started the Covenant Christian School with…
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The Way International

THE WAY INTERNATIONAL TIMELINE 1916 (December 31):  Victor Paul Wierwille was born in New Knoxville, Ohio. 1937 (July 2):  Wierwille married Dorothea Kipp. 1942 (October 3):  Wierwille began the weekly radio program Vesper Chimes. 1945:  Wierwille’s first book, Victory Through Christ, was published. 1953:  Wierwille began teaching the precursor course to Power for Abundant Living. 1954:  Wierwille began publication of The Way Magazine. 1955:  Wierwille founded The Way, Incorporated. 1957:  Wierwille formally resigned as a pastor in the Evangelical and Reformed Church pastorate and began pursuing his ministry in The Way. 1970:  Wierwille founded The Way Corps and the Word Over the World (WOW) Ambassador program. 1974:  The Way acquired The Way College of Emporia (Kansas) and The Way International Fine Arts and Historical Center (Sidney, Ohio). 1975:  The Way…
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Children of Satan (Bambini di Satana)

CHILDREN OF SATAN TIMELINE 1963:  Marco Dimitri was born. 1975:  Dimitri attended the meetings of the association Fratellanza Cosmica. 1982:  Marco Dimitri founded the association Bambini di Satana. 1984-1989:  Dimitri worked as a private security guard. 1992:  After infiltrating the association, the Carabinieri raided a ritual in Savignano sul Rubicone. 1996 (January):  Dimitri, vice president Piergiorgio Bonora, and director Gennaro Luongo were incarcerated over accusations of sexual violence. Dimitri attempted suicide. The accusation proved inconsistent and unfounded. 1996 (June):  Dimitri was accused of child sex abuse during satanic rites. 1997:  Dimitri was acquitted unconditionally. 1998:  Dimitri launched the website Bambini di Satana. 2004:  Dimitri was awarded compensation for unjust detention. 2012:  Dimitri ran for the Chamber of Deputies for the party Democrazia Atea. 2021:  Dimitri died in his apartment in…
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Mary Baker Eddy

MARY BAKER EDDY TIMELINE 1821 (July 16):  Mary Morse Baker was born to Mark and Abigail Baker in Bow, New Hampshire. 1838  (July 26):  Mary Baker became a member of her local Congregational Church. 1843 (December 10):  Mary married George Washington Glover; they moved to South Carolina. 1844 (June 24):  George Washington Glover died of yellow fever; Mary returned to her family home in New Hampshire. 1844 (September 12):  Mary gave birth to her son, George Washington Glover II. 1849 (November 21):  Abigail Baker died. 1850:  Mary went to live with her sister Abigail Baker Tilton. 1851:  Mary’s son George was sent to live with family friends in New Hampshire. 1853 (June 21):  Mary married Daniel Patterson. 1855 (April):  In an effort to move nearer to Mary’s son, the Pattersons…
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SAINT JULIAN OF NORWICH TIMELINE 1342/1343:  Julian of Norwich was born. 1343 and 1362 (and periodically recurring throughout the fourteenth century):  Severe flooding occurred in Norwich. 1348–1349, 1361, 1369, 1375, 1383, 1387:  Plague struck Norwich. 1373 (May 8 or May 15): Julian experienced a series of visions during a near fatal illness. 1378–1417:  The Western (Papal) Schism took place. The Papacy was disputed with bishops in Avignon and Rome each claiming papal authority. 1381:  The Peasants’ Revolt took place across England. 1382:  John Wycliffe produced the first English translation of the Latin Vulgate Bible. 1382:  Lollard movement was begun by earliest followers of John Wycliffe. 1384:  John Wycliffe died. Circa 1393:  The possible date that Julian entered her anchor-hold at Norwich. 1415:  The English defeated the French in the Battle…
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Janet Farrar

JANET FARRAR TIMELINE 1950 (June 24):  Janet Owen was born in Leyton, Essex, United Kingdom. 1970:  Owen was initiated into Alex and Maxine Sanders’ Alexandrian Wiccan coven in West London; later that year she was upgraded to the second degree in its tripartite ritual system. 1971:  Janet Owen and Stewart Farrar “hived off” of the Sanders’ coven to form their own, which met in Leyton and Wood Green. Owen left the group later that year and started working with a Qabalist ceremonial magic group. 1972 (January 1):  Janet Owen married Victor Ewer. She broke from the Qabalist group and re-joined Farrar’s coven in June. 1974 (January 31):  Janet Owen and Stewart Farrar entered a handfasting, a Wiccan marriage ceremony. 1975 (July 19):  Owen and Farrar were legally married, both having…
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