Search Results for: jesus christians

Messianic Judaism (United States)

 MESSIANIC JUDAISM TIMELINE 1813:  The Bene Abraham Association was formed in London under the auspices of the London Society for Promoting Christianity Amongst the Jews. 1915:  The Hebrew Christian Alliance of America was founded. 1934:  First Hebrew Christian Church was founded by the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Chicago. 1967:  The six-day war in Israel occurred, resulting in Jerusalem coming under Jewish control. 1973:  Jews for Jesus was started by Martin “Moishe” Rosen at the American Board of Missions to the Jews. 1975:  The Hebrew Christian Alliance of America was renamed the Messianic Jewish Alliance of America (MJAA). 1979:  The Union of Messianic Jewish Congregations (UMJC) was founded. 1986:  MJAA formed its association of congrgations, the International Alliance of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues. 1995:  Hashivenu core values were created by a…
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Hillary Kaell

Hillary Kaell is author of Walking Where Jesus Walked: American Christians and Holy Land Pilgrimage (New York University Press, 2014), editor Everyday Sacred: Religion in Contemporary Quebec (McGill-Queens University Press, 2017), and author of numerous scholarly articles and chapters. She co-curates the website Anthrocybib, podcasts at New Books in Religion, and serves as co-editor of the Contemporary Anthropology of Religion book series at Palgrave Macmillan Press. She is also associate professor of religion at Concordia University in Montreal.
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Unitarian Universalism

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISM TIMELINE 220-230: The Christian theologian Origen composed On the First Principles, a systematic theology that included the idea of apocatastasis, or the universal reconciliation of creation with God. 325: The Council of Nicea condemned Arius and made Trinitarianism the defining doctrine of Orthodox and Roman Catholic Christianity. 1553:  Michael Servetus was burnt at the stake for his anti-Trinitarian views, with the approval of John Calvin. 1565:  Anti-Trinitarians organized the Minor Reformed Church of Poland, also known as the Socinians after the exiled Italian theologian Fausto Sozzini. 1568:  Transylvanian King John Sigismund, a recent convert to the Unitarian theology of Francis David, extended religious toleration to Lutherans, Catholics, Calvinists, and Unitarians in the Edict of Torda, inaugurating an unbroken tradition of Unitarianism in Transylvania. 1648:  A synod of New…
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Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

SISTERS OF PERPETUAL INDULGENCE TIMELINE 1979 (April 14):  Holy Saturday. The first manifestation took place in San Francisco. (The anniversary is celebrated each Holy Saturday, the day before the Western Christian holiday of Easter, not each April 14). 1979 (August 19):  The Sisters first manifested as an order of nuns at the Castro Street Fair. 1979-1980 (Winter):  The order was named the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. 1980 (March):  The Sisters joined their first protest. 1980 (July 27):  The Constitution and Rules of Order were ratified (these applied only to the San Francisco house once other houses begin to form, but they contained the well-known mission statement that constitutes the mission of all members of the order). 1981 (June 28): The Toronto house was founded, beginning the presence of the order…
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King of Salem

KING OF SALEM TIMELINE 1971 (February 23):  Lisbet García was born in Cárdenas, Matanzas, Cuba. 1988:  Lisbet García joined Ministerio Internacional Creciendo en Gracia (Growing in Grace International Ministry), led by José Luis de Jesús Miranda, whom she will later marry. 2013 (November 15):  Miranda died in Orlando, Florida. 2013 (November 18):  Lisbet García declared her spiritual resurrection, claiming that Melchizedek spoke to her, and told her that he is God the Father and that she should speak to the people that Miranda had left in uncertainty. The date is regarded as the foundation of King of Salem. 2013 (December 6):  Lisbet García announced publicly that Melchizedek is the name of God the Father, and that he had sent her as his archangel Michael to fight the battle of Armageddon…
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Order of Saint Charbel

ORDER OF SAINT CHARBEL / MARIAN WORK OF ATONEMENT TIMELINE 1950 (May 16):  William Kamm was born in Cologne, Germany. 1953:  The Kamm family emigrated to Australia. 1968 (April 14):  Kamm experienced his first mystical experience in the form of a vision and locution at St Francis Xavier Cathedral in Wollongong, New South Wales. 1972/1973:  Kamm founded the Marian Work of Atonement (MWOA). 1982 (March 7):  Kamm received his first private message from the Virgin Mary. 1982 (July 16):  Kamm received a message that property of followers would be “Sacred Grounds” and that he was to adopt the name “The Little Pebble.” 1983 (Midyear):  Members of MWOA began meeting at 6 AM on Atonement Day (thirteenth of each month) at Bangalee Property of Price family for twelve hour prayer meetings.…
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The New Cultus of Antinous

THE NEW CULTUS OF ANTINOUS TIMELINE 130 CE:  Antinous drowned in the River Nile, and the Emperor Hadrian oversaw the promotion of a cult devoted to him throughout the Roman Empire. 1984:  Royston Lambert’s Beloved and God was published, bringing knowledge of Antinous and his late antique cult to wider awareness. c.1985:  Florida-born Pagan William E. Livingston began venerating Antinous in a private capacity. 2000:  The American Antonius Subia performed a ceremony to demarcate his allegiance to Antinous. 2001:  Antonius Subia consecrated himself a Priest of Antinous. 2002:  The Ecclesia Antinoi was founded in the United States by Antonius Subia, Hiram Crespo, and P. Sufenas Virius Lupus. 2003:  P. Sufenas Virius Lupus launched their own website, the Aedicula Antinoi. 2007:  A schism in the Ecclesia Antinoi led to Lupus founding…
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Catherine Mumford Booth

CATHERINE MUMFORD BOOTH TIMELINE  1829 (January 17):  Catherine Mumford was born to Sarah (Milward) and John Mumford at Ashbourne, in Derbyshire, England. 1845:  Catherine Mumford became a Christian through faith after being forgiven of her sins and experiencing new birth in Christ. 1851:  Catherine Mumford attended a congregation sponsored by the Methodist Reformers. 1854:  Catherine Mumford joined New Connexion Methodism. 1855 (June 16):  Catherine Mumford married William Booth. 1857:  Catherine Booth gave lectures on temperance. 1859:  Catherine Booth published Female Ministry. 1860 (May 27):  Catherine Booth preached her first sermon at the Methodist New Connexion Bethesda Chapel in Gateshead with 1,000 people in the congregation. 1861:  Catherine Booth was fully sanctified after seeking the experience of holiness since 1847. 1861:  Catherine and William Booth left the Methodist New Connexion and…
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The Holy Land Experience

THE HOLY LAND EXPERIENCE TIMELINE 1989:  Marvin Rosenthal moved to Orlando, Florida and founded Zion’s Hope, an evangelical ministry whose purpose was to convert Jews to Christianity and illuminate to Christians the influence of Jewish culture and history in the bible. 1990s:  Rosenthal used solicited donor funds to purchase a fifteen-acre plot of land in Orlando’s tourist corridor and started construction on a ministry complex that was then called Zion’s Hope. 1997:  Phase I of Zion’s Hope opened. This $2,500,000 structure took the form of a 20,000- square-foot conference center and exhibit space. 1999:  Ground broke on an interactive living history museum expansion to Zion’s Hope, rebranded as The Holy Land Experience (HLE). 2001 (February 5):  HLE opened its doors to the public. 2002:  Longtime Rosenthal supporters Robert (1938-1999) and…
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Most Pure Virgin Mary & Holy Family of Dzhublyk

MOST PURE VIRGIN MARY AND HOLY FAMILY TIMELINE 2002 (August 27):  The first apparition of the Virgin Mary at Dzhublyk occurred to Olenka Kuruc and Marianka Kobal. 2002 (August 30):  The first liturgy at the apparition site was led by a bishop Ivan Marhitych. 2002 (September 18):  The visionaries reported seeing Jesus present during the Holy Liturgy. 2002 (September 21):  The visionaries reported seeing Saint Joseph. 2002 (October 29):  A letter from the head of the Mukachevo Greek Catholic Eparchy, Bishop Ivan Semedii forbade the clergy from organizing liturgies at and pilgrimages to Dzhublyk. 2002 (December 1):   The visionaries with their parents and supporters took part in a meeting with John Paull II in the Vatican. 2003 (January 22):  The first chapel at Dzhublyk was blessed. 2003 (April 4):  The…
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