Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz-Peralba

Małgorzata Oleszkiewicz-Peralba, PhD is Professor of Hispanic Literary and Cultural Studies at the University of Texas at San Antonio, USA. She specializes in cross-cultural research in syncretic religions and the feminine. Her book publications include Fierce Feminine Divinities of Eurasia and Latin America: Baba Yaga, Kali, Pombagira, and Santa Muerte (Palgrave Macmillan, 2015 & 2018), The Black Madonna in Latin America and Europe: Tradition and Transformation (University of New Mexico Press, 2007 & 2009), and Teatro popular peruano: del precolombino al siglo XX (Warsaw University & the Austrian Institute of Latin America, 1995). Her most recent book, Mythology and Symbolism of Eurasia and Indigenous Americas: Manifestations in Artifacts and Rituals is forthcoming from Berghahn Books in 2022. She has lived, studied, and lectured widely around the world, and is fluent in seven languages.
