Andrew David Omona

David Andrew Omona

Andrew David Omona is a Senior Lecturer and Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences at Uganda Christian University. He also serves as the National Coordinator for Religious Leaders’ Justice and Peace Network, a Researcher, Transitional Justice Fellow, and a Trainer of Trainers in Peace-building and Conflict Resolution in the East and Greater Horn of Africa. He holds a PhD in Political Studies/International Relations and Diplomacy, MA International Relations and Diplomacy, MA Theology, BA with Education, and several specialized Diplomas and Certificates.

The extensive research he has done on conflicts in Africa, the Great Lakes Region and Uganda in particular, places him to understand the dynamics of conflicts and peace at the global level. His current research interest is in Transitional Justice, Peace building and conflict resolution, and Ethics. He has done collaborative research with people from across the world and still looks forward to getting researchers to collaborate with in his areas of expertise.
