Course Texts


 Orienting Authored Volumes

David Kim, ed. 2022. New Religious Movements in Modern Asian History: Sociocultural Alternatives. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Joseph P Laycock. 2022. New Religious Movements: The Basics. New York: Routledge.

Hugh B. Urban 2015. New Age, Neopagan, and New Religious Movements: Alternative Spirituality in Contemporary America. Berkeley: University of California Press.

Thomas Ezala Yohane. 2021. New Religious Movements. London: LAP Lambert.

Orienting Edited Volumes

Emily Suzanne Clark and Brad Stoddard, eds. 2019. Race and New Religious Movements in the USA: A Documentary Reader. London: Bloomsbury

Dereck Daschke and Michael Ashcraft, eds. 2005. New Religious Movements: A Documentary Reader. New York: New York University Press.

Derek Davis and Barry Hankins eds.. 2020. New Religious Movements and Religious Liberty in America. Waco: Baylor University Press.

Lorne Dawson ed. 2017. Cults in Context: Readings in the Study of New Religious Movements. New York: Routledge.

Olav Hammer and Mikael Rothstein, eds. 2012. The Cambridge Companion to New Religious Movements. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Beth Singler and Eileen Barker, eds. 2022. Radical Transformations in Minority Religions. London: Routledge.

Explorations of the Field of Study

W. Michael Ashcraft. 2019. A Historical Introduction to the Study of New Religious Movements. New York: Routledge.
Chapter One: Introduction

David G. Bromley, ed. 2007. Teaching New Religious Movements. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sarah Harvey, Silke Steidinger, and James A. Beckford, eds. 2018. New Religious Movements and Counselling: Academic, Professional and Personal Perspectives. New York: Routledge.

Eileen Barker, “Perspectives on New Religions and Cults: Policies, Information, and the Perspective on INFORM
Post Date: 1/3/2016

Jeffery D. Long, “Multiplicity & Creativity: A Jain Inspired Approach to Religious Pluralism.”
Post Date: 6/13/2013

Topical Volumes

Matthew Francis and Kim Knott, eds. 2020. Minority Religions and Uncertainty. New York: Routledge.

Amy Hale, ed. 2022. Essays on Women in Western Esotericism: Beyond Seeresses and Sea Priestesses.  London: Palgrave Macmillan.

David Christopher Lane. 2022. The Sound Current Tradition: A Historical Overview. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

James L. Lewis and Henrik Bogdan, eds.  2016.  Sexuality and New Religious Movements. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Donald A. Westbrook. 2022. Ron Hubbard and Scientology Studies. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.



