
Churches of Christ History

Three Chopt Road Church of Christ

The Churches of Christ started with the eighteenth century Restoration Movement in America. Some of the Churches of Christ notable founding preachers include Thomas and Alexander Campbell, Walter Scott and Barton W. Stone. According to the Churches of Christ website, the church recognizes only the Bible as its doctrine, and it rejects all other ecclesiastical councils or teachings as part of its doctrine.

The Churches of Christ limit hierarchal control and diversity within the church by permitting each congregation to define its method of worship. For example, a Church of Christ can be traditional or liberal, hold strict to dogmas or be more open to doctrinal interpretation. According to the Churches of Christ website, the common threads that hold the Churches of Christ together are that each congregation refuses to accept any creed except the Bible, is self-governing, accepts only male leadership, holds weekly communions, and includes the a cappella vocals during their worship service.

The Three Chopt Church of Christ was formed in 1923 when nine members started to meet in private homes. By 1926, the congregation grew and purchased a building located on Third Avenue in Richmond, and it became known as the Highland Park Church of Christ. The congregation purchased the church located at 4006 Hermitage Road in 1964, and promptly renamed the church to the Hermitage Road Church of Christ. Then in 2000, the congregation built the church located at 9500 Three Chopt Road. In 2002, the congregation moved into the new church, and the congregation name was changed to the Three Chopt Church of Christ. The Three Chopt Church of Christ is associated with the Churches of Christ.

Worship at the Three Chopt Church of Christ is characterized as fundamental. There are worship services on Sunday morning and evening, a Sunday school, and evening Bible studies throughout the week. The congregation consists of approximately 250 members, primarily middle class families of all ages and of European descent. The church is led by a male pastor and a small staff of Elders who are chosen from the congregation. All congregational members have the responsibility to evangelize.

The Three Chopt Church of Christ has an active missionary program for Christian education for children from infants through the teenage years. In addition, there is an active missionary program to Kenya, Madagascar, Tanzania, and the Ukraine.

Three Chopt Road Church Of Christ 
9500 Three Chopt Rd
Richmond, VA
(804) 346-4673

Three Chopt Road Church of Christ Website:
Churches of Christ Website:

Profile prepared by John Lack
March, 2007

