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Congregational Profiles

The Religious Profiles page contains an alphabetical listing of congregational units in Richmond organized by religious tradition. For each tradition information is provided on the history of the tradition, distinctive beliefs and practices, and its arrival and development in Richmond. Profiles have been created for selected congregational units.Those congregational units have been highlighed, and following the links will lead to the profiles. Profiles consist of information on the congregational unit’s history, congregational composition, outreach activities, and distinctive characteristics. Profiled congregational units are highlighted. New profiles are continuously being added.


Assemblies of God Bahai Baptist Buddhist  Catholic Christian Science Church of Christ Episcopal  Friends (Quaker) Holiness  Islamic Jain

Jehovah’s Witness

Jewish  Latter-Day Saints Lutheran


Methodist New/Alternative Traditions Non-Denominational Orthodox Presbyterian Seventh-Day Adventist Sikh Unitarian Methodist Zoroastrian Other Churches
























Access more profiles here.

